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Recently Acquired Rare and Collectable Titles - July 2024

This newsletter presents a number of rare and collectable titles which have recently come into stock. It includes an early edition of Darwin's 'Origin of Species' from the library of the lepidopterist Bernard d'Abrera  (1940-2017), and two works by Alfred Russel Wallace.  Also a copy of Moffet's 'Insectorum sive minimorum Animalium Theatrum' (1634) - the first work dealing entirely with entomology to be published in the British Isles. We have also listed a few titles relating to the natural history of Ireland.

We hope you find this list of interest. A reminder that more books can be found by browsing our website, more titles are added every day. 


With best wishes to all our customers

Ian & Julie Johnson and all the team at Pemberley Books

Rare and Antiquarian

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On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

by Darwin, Charles

Cat No. : 34603, Published : 1866, Illustrations : folding table

Hardback £3,500.00

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Fourth edition, eighth thousand. ‘The most important biological work ever written.’ This edition was extensively altered, and it was in this one that the date of the first edition, as given on the (more)

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Butterflies: Their World, Their Life Cycles, Their Behavior

by Emmel, T.C.; Ross, E.S. (Eds)

Cat No. : 54178, Published : 1975, Illustrations : col photos, b/w illus

Hardback £75.00

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With full-colour photographs of living butterflies in their native habitats, from African rainforests to American meadowlands. (more)

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Insectorum sive minimorum Animalium Theatrum

by Moffet, Thomas [Mouffett, Moufet, Muffet]

Cat No. : 49642, Published : 1634, Illustrations : Over 500 woodcut illustrations in the text + 2 unnumbered leaves of illustrations at the end

Hardback £4,000.00

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First Edition. Text Latin. This book is the first dealing entirely with entomology to be published in the British Isles. It originated with Conrad Gesner's manuscript material on insects, which (more)

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Monographia Pselaphorum. Cum Tab. II. Aeneis XXIII specierum icones exhibentibus

by Reichenbach, H.T.L.

Cat No. : 59345, Published : [1816], Illustrations : 2 hand-col plates

Hardback £175.00

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Text Latin. First published as a thesis, University of Leipzig, June 1816, it was also published later the same year in this form by Leopold Voss (Bousquet, Literature Coleopterologica, 2016). (more)

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The Coleopterist's Manual, containing the Lamellicorn Insects of Linneus and Fabricius. [Part I]

by Hope, F.W.

Cat No. : 59344, Published : 1837, Illustrations : 1 hand-col + 3 plain engraved plates

Hardback £150.00

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First edition. First of three published parts, all of which are rare. Plates by the author, one finely hand-coloured. Frederick William Hope (1797-1862) was an English clergyman, naturalist and (more)

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Monographia Pselaphidarum et Scydmaenidarum Britanniae: An Essay on the British Species of the Genera Pselaphus, of Hebst, and Scydmaenus, of Latreille

by Denny, Henry

Cat No. : 59343, Published : 1825, Illustrations : 14 hand-col plates

Hardback £150.00

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First edition. Scarce. Engraved, hand-coloured plates by the author. With dedication page (to William Kirby), and a list of subscribers. This monograph treats the species of the beetle subfamilies (more)

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Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera 5: Athericidae - Asilidae

by Soos, A.; Papp, L. (Eds)

Cat No. : 57424, Published : 1988, Illustrations : 1 map

Hardback £125.00

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Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 6: Therevidae-Empididae

by Soos, A.; Papp, L. (Eds)

Cat No. : 57427, Published : 1989, Illustrations : 1 map

Hardback £75.00

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Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. Fam. 25: Bombyliidae

by Lindner, E. (Ed.); Engel, E.O.

Cat No. : 57472, Published : 1937, Illustrations : 15 plates, 239 text figs

Hardback £185.00

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Text German. (more)

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Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects. Vol. IX-X: Diptera [and] Vol. XI(5): Check List of British Insects: Diptera and Siphonaptera


Cat No. : 57636, Published : 1949-1989, Illustrations : text figs

Paperback £250.00

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Vol. IX: pts 1 Introduction (1st and 2nd ed); 2 Nemotocera; 3 Mycetophilidae; 4 Tabanoidea & Asiloidea; 5 Dolichopodidae; 6 Sciarid Flies; 7 Bibionid & Scatopsid Flies.

Vol X: pts 1 Syrphidae; (more)

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Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects I-XI


Cat No. : 59316, Published : 1949-1984, Illustrations : text figs

Paperback £500.00

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Complete set of all volumes published up to 1984: Vol. 1: Small Orders, pts 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 ,12-13, 14a, 16; Vol. 2: Hemiptera, pts 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, 4a, 5a, 5b, 6; Vol. 4: Coleoptera, pts 1, 2, (more)

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The Hemiptera Heteroptera of the British Islands: A descriptive account of the Families, Genera and Species indigenous to Great Britain and Ireland

by Saunders, E.

Cat No. : 58385, Published : 1892, Illustrations : 1 plain plate

Hardback £45.00

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The standard 'small paper' unillustrated edition. (more)

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Ichneumonidum Britannicorum Catalogus

by Marshall, T.A.

Cat No. : 16666, Published : 1870

Hardback £40.00

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Text Latin. Scarce. Claude Morley, stated 'Rev. T.A. Marshall's 1870 Catalogus bears the print of the master systematist and sounds the knell of the superficial work of the middle period. It (more)

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The Breeding Birds of Somerset and their Eggs

by Lewis, Stanley

Cat No. : 55590, Published : n.d. [1955], Illustrations : b/w frontis, 22 b/w plates, double-page map

Hardback £300.00

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First edition. Scarce. Preface by W.C. Taunton (dated 1952). Edited by K.M. Willcox. Scarce. Published posthumously - the author died in 1949. British Library gives date of publication as (more)

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Popular British Ornithology; containing a familiar and technical Description of the Birds of the British Isles

by Gosse, P.H.

Cat No. : 58668, Published : 1849, Illustrations : 20 hand-col plates (+ another set of 19 plain plates), 3 hand-col plates to adverts at rear

Hardback £165.00

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First edition. Scarce. Charming plates drawn and lithographed by the author, largely from specimens in the British Museum. This work was issued by the publishers with plates plain or hand-coloured - (more)

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The Bird Watcher in the Shetlands, with some Notes on Seals - and Digressions

by Selous, Edmund

Cat No. : 59684, Published : 1905, Illustrations : photogravure frontis, 9 b/w plates

Hardback £75.00

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First edition, scarce. Illustrated by J. Smit. (more)

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Tableau pour la détermination facile des Serpents du Maroc

by Dollfus, R.P.; Beaurieux C.

Cat No. : 59836, Published : 1928, Illustrations : 2 large folding plates, 3 text figs

Paperback £350.00

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Avec un Appendice 'Traitement des morsures de serpents' by Marie Phisalix. Variétés scientifiques recueillies par la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc Tome 1. Very rare publication on (more)

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The Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales

by Forrest, H.E.

Cat No. : 59683, Published : 1907, Illustrations : frontis, 27 b/w plates, 1 folding col map

Hardback £95.00

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First edition, scarce. (more)

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The Natural History of Wiltshire (Written between 1656 and 1691)

by Aubrey, John; Britton, John (Ed.)

Cat No. : 55642, Published : 1847, Illustrations : title vignette, reproduction of title page from original manuscript

Hardback £85.00

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Edited and elucidated by notes by John Britton. First edition.

Mullens & Swann p. 32; Freeman 122.

John Aubrey (1626-1697) was an English antiquary, natural philosopher and author. In 1656 (more)

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The Birds of Ireland: An account of the distribution, migration, and habits as observed in Ireland

by Kennedy, P.G.; Ruttledge, R.F.; Scroope, C.F.

Cat No. : 58449, Published : 1954, Illustrations : 11 b/w plates

Hardback £50.00

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First edition. (more)

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The Natural History of Ireland. Vol. I-IV

by Thompson, W.

Cat No. : 58437, Published : 1849-1856, Illustrations : portrait frontis

Hardback £575.00

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First edition. Scarce. Vol I: Birds, Raptores & Insessores; Vol II: Birds, Rassores & Grallatores; Vol III: Birds, Natatores; Vol IV: Mammalia, Reptiles, and Fishes, also Invertebrata. One of the (more)

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Natural History of Ireland: A Sketch of its Flora and Fauna

by Praeger, R.L.

Cat No. : 58452, Published : 1950, Illustrations : 3 text figs, end-paper map

Hardback £55.00

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First edition. (more)

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Irish Bogs: Sport and Country Life in the Irish Free State

by Seigne, J.W.

Cat No. : 58416, Published : 1928, Illustrations : b/w frontis, 30 b/w plates

Hardback £75.00

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First Edition. A scarce illustrated work on sport and shooting in the Irish Free State, with much on the Snipe and Woodcock, and a chapter on Irish hunting dogs, and remarks on fishing. (more)

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A Nature Calendar

by White, Gilbert; Webb, W.M. (Ed.)

Cat No. : 53811, Published : 1911

Hardback £75.00

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Edited and with an Introduction by Wilfred Mark Webb. Edition limited to 250 numbered copies, printed on hand-made Italian paper with wide margins, signed by the editor. This volume No. 89.

This (more)

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A Romance of the Rostrum being the business life of Henry Stevens and the history of thirty-eight King Street, together with some account of famous sales held there during the last hundred years

by Allingham, E.G.

Cat No. : 53206, Published : 1924, Illustrations : frontis + 12 b/w plates

Hardback £150.00

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First edition. Preface by Lord Rothschild. Scarce. The history of Stevens' auction rooms in Covent Garden, which sold many natural history collections during the 19th and early 20th centuries. (more)

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The Worst Journey in the World: Antarctic 1910-1913

by Cherry-Garrard, Apsley

Cat No. : 57965, Published : 1951, Illustrations : col frontis, 8 b/w plates, 4 maps (2 folding)

Hardback £75.00

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Single-volume edition with some corrections and a postscript (1948), (first published 1922). Account of Scott's last Antarctic expedition 1910-1913, taken from diaries of those who took part, with (more)

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Emin Pasha in Central Africa being a Collection of his Letters and Journals

by Pasha, Emin; Schweinfurth, G.; Ratzel, R.; Felkin, R.W.; Hartlaub, G.

Cat No. : 57956, Published : 1888, Illustrations : 2 plates (portraits), folding col map

Hardback £350.00

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Edited by Prof. G. Schweinfurth, Prof. F. Ratzel, Dr R.W. Felkin and G. Hartlaub. Translated by Mrs. R.W. Felkin. First English edition (the German edition preceded this by a few months). A (more)

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A Sketch of the Natural History of Brighton and its Vicinity

by Merrifield, Mrs [Mary Philadelphia]

Cat No. : 55522, Published : 1860, Illustrations : frontis, folding engraved map

Hardback £120.00

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First edition. Scarce. Mary Philadelphia Merrifield (1804-1889) was a noted British writer on art and fashion. Moving from London to Dorset Gardens, Brighton, she became interested in the history of (more)

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The Mistrelsy of the Woods; or Sketches and Songs connected with the Natural History of some of the most interesting British and Foreign Birds

by [Waring, S.]

Cat No. : 56411, Published : 1832, Illustrations : 17 uncoloured, engraved plates

Hardback £60.00

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Published with plates coloured or uncoloured. This copy is uncoloured.

Mullens & Swann p. 612; Wood p. 619. (more)

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A Natural History of Singing Birds: and particularly that Species of them most commonly bred in Britain … by A Lover of Birds

by [Albin, Eleazar]

Cat No. : 59679, Published : 1776, Illustrations : engraved frontis, 21 (of 22?) engraved plates

Hardback £75.00

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An anonymous, pirated edition of Eleazar Albin's 1737 work, A Natural History of English Song-Birds. There is a frotispiece and 20 plates of birds (with corresponding numbered sections of (more)

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Common Objects of the Microscope

by Wood, J.G.

Cat No. : 55734, Published : n.d. [c.1890s], Illustrations : 12 col plates, text engravings

Hardback £45.00

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Later undated edition (originally published 1861). Chromolithographic plates by Tuffen West, printed by Edmund Evans. (more)

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The Flora of the East Riding of Yorkshire

by Robinson, J.F.

Cat No. : 55733, Published : 1902, Illustrations : folding col map, decorative head/tail piec

Hardback £30.00

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To which is added a List of the Mosses of the Riding by J.J. Marshall. First edition. Early flora of the East Riding of Yorkshire (vice-county 61). (more)

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Flora of Bedfordshire

by Boon, C.R.; Outen, A.R.

Cat No. : 59931, Published : 2011, Illustrations : col photos, distribution maps

Hardback £75.00

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Scarce. Up-to-date account of the distribution of the vascular plants and bryophytes of the county of Bedfordshire (including the administrative county and VC 30). Introductory chapters set the flora (more)


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